
Restez à l’affut de tout ce qui concerne ECM ! De grandes choses se passent dans le domaine de la mobilité internationale des étudiants, alors assurez-vous de consulter régulièrement les mises à jour sur les projets ECM, ainsi que sur les initiatives d’éducation internationale à travers le Canada. L’outil de filtrage vous permet de rechercher du contenu par type d’établissement, province et thème.

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Costa Rica trip educates business students on eco-tourism

Nouvelle de campus
Over Reading Week, Oct. 11 to 18, a social entrepreneurship class led by Odette School of Business professor Kent Walker visited Costa Rica to gain a hands-on understanding of eco-tourism.

Costa Rica Global Learning Programs partners with Durham College — Dental Hygiene


Humber alumnus selected as Global Skills Opportunity ambassador

Nouvelle de campus
Jesse Major is one of 15 ambassadors for the program that promotes participation in international learning opportunities

Federal government details $150-million strategy to promote study abroad

Nouvelle communautaire
Canadian postsecondary students who cannot afford to study abroad may be in luck after the federal government shared details of a nearly $150 million international education initiative.

View From TRU: The power of internationalization

Nouvelle communautaire
Bringing international perspectives to campus helps our students broaden their knowledge and understanding of different worldviews

New funds to help more UNBC students study abroad

Nouvelle communautaire
Traveling Knowledges program will help fund student international travel

#Envedette sur Randy un étudiant de McGill University qui s'est rendu à Singapour : «Grâce à mon échange, j'ai découvert des solutions inédites : technologies, services, entreprises, politiques. Je suis maintenant prêt à apporter ces expériences avec moi au Canada»

#Spotlight on Randyfrom @McGillU who went to Singapore: "Thanks to my exchange, I have encountered solutions never seen before: technologies, services, businesses, policies. I am now ready to bring those experiences with me to Canada and make a significant impact."

Help us call on the Government of Canada to renew the GSO program, ensuring that Canadian students can keep accessing these important opportunities.

👉 Sign the petition now to support the renewal of GSO! #GlobalSkillsCA #FromPilot2Program

Aidez-nous à demander au gouvernement du Canada de renouveler le programme OSG, afin que les étudiants canadiens puissent continuer à accéder à ces importantes opportunités.

👉 Signez la pétition #CompétencesMondialesCA #DePiloteÀProgramme

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